Financial Market
Support and Resistance: Unlocking the Secrets of the Financial Market
May 31, 2023
3 min

Table Of Contents

What are Support and Resistance?
How to Calculate Support and Resistance
Practical Applications in the Financial Market
Support and Resistance: Unlocking the Secrets of the Financial Market


In the dynamic world of financial markets, understanding the concepts of support and resistance is crucial for any trader or investor aiming to make informed decisions. These key technical analysis tools help identify potential price levels at which a financial instrument may encounter obstacles or reversals. By comprehending how to calculate and interpret support and resistance levels, market participants can gain a significant advantage in their trading strategies. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the depths of support and resistance, explore various methods of calculation, and uncover their practical applications in the financial market.

What are Support and Resistance?

Support and resistance are fundamental concepts in technical analysis that assist traders in evaluating the potential future price movements of a financial instrument. Let’s break down these concepts individually:


Support refers to a specific price level at which an asset has historically demonstrated an increased likelihood of halting its decline and reversing its direction. It is like a “floor” that prevents prices from falling further. When the price of an asset approaches a support level, buyers tend to enter the market, creating increased demand and driving the price back up. This buying pressure at support levels is often driven by the belief that the asset’s value is reasonable or undervalued.


On the other hand, resistance represents a price level at which an asset has historically struggled to surpass. It acts as a “ceiling” that prevents prices from rising further. When the price of an asset nears a resistance level, sellers tend to emerge, leading to increased supply and causing the price to stall or reverse its upward trajectory. This selling pressure at resistance levels is often driven by the belief that the asset’s value is overpriced or that it presents an attractive selling opportunity.

How to Calculate Support and Resistance

Now that we understand the basic principles of support and resistance, let’s explore the various methods used to calculate these critical levels. There are multiple methods to calculate Support and Resistance. In this article, we will apply KMeans to find them.

import yfinance as yf
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
ticker = "AAPL" # Replace with the desired stock symbol
data = yf.download(ticker, start="2022-01-01", end="2022-12-31") # Specify the desired time range
price = np.array(data['Adj Close']).reshape(-1,1) # Extract the Adj Close
# Find the optimal k value using elbow method
k_vals = []
for k in range(1, 10):
kmeans_n = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
# The result suggests that we should you k value of 3
sns.lineplot(x=range(1, 10), y=k_vals)
K = 3
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=K).fit(price)
# Create a dataframe for ploting later
plot_data = data['Adj Close'].to_frame()
plot_data['cluster'] = kmeans.predict(price)
# Let's see how our clusters are divided
sns.scatterplot(plot_data, x='Date', y='Adj Close', hue='cluster', palette="deep")
# Get min and max values of each cluster
min_max_clusters = np.sort(plot_data.groupby('cluster').agg({'Adj Close':['min', 'max']}).values, axis=0)
# Merge the gap between each cluster using the average of maximum value and the minium of the consecutive cluster
for i in range(K - 1):
avg = (min_max_clusters[i][1] + min_max_clusters[i+1][0])/2
min_max_clusters[i][1] = min_max_clusters[i+1][0] = avg
# Because lines at the minimum and maximum values do not give us any important information, we will drop those values and duplicate values.
min_max_clusters = set(min_max_clusters.flatten()[1:-1])
sns.scatterplot(plot_data, x='Date', y='Adj Close', hue='cluster', palette="deep")
for value in min_max_clusters:

You can also find the notebook here

Practical Applications in the Financial Market

Understanding how to identify and interpret support and resistance levels is essential, but it is equally important to recognise their practical applications in the financial market. Let’s explore some of the ways support and resistance can be utilised by traders and investors.

1. Entry and Exit Points:

Support and resistance levels are widely employed to determine optimal entry and exit points for trades. Traders may choose to enter a long position near a support level, anticipating a price reversal, while short positions might be initiated near a resistance level, anticipating a price decline. Additionally, support and resistance levels can assist in defining stop-loss levels to manage risk, allowing traders to exit their positions if the price moves against them.

2. Breakout and Pullback Strategies:

Breakouts occur when the price surpasses a significant resistance level or falls below a crucial support level. Traders often look for breakout opportunities to capture potential price momentum and enter trades in the direction of the breakout. Conversely, pullback strategies involve entering trades when the price retraces back to a previously broken support or resistance level, which may now act as a new level of support or resistance.

3. Risk Management:

Support and resistance levels also play a vital role in risk management. By identifying key support and resistance zones, traders can adjust their position sizes, set appropriate stop-loss orders, and calculate risk-reward ratios more effectively. This enables traders to mitigate potential losses and optimise their profit potential.


Support and resistance are indispensable tools for market participants seeking to navigate the complexities of the financial market successfully. These concepts provide valuable insights into potential price levels at which an asset may encounter obstacles or reversals. By mastering the art of calculating and interpreting support and resistance levels, traders and investors gain a competitive edge in formulating their trading strategies. Whether employed to determine entry and exit points, breakout and pullback strategies, or for risk management purposes, support and resistance levels remain a cornerstone of technical analysis, guiding traders on their journey towards profitable trading outcomes. So, equip yourself with the knowledge of support and resistance and unlock the secrets of the financial market.


Support ResistanceTechnical AnalysisKMeansFinancial Market


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